This is a Mensa test type of shape reasoning IQ test.Although the difficulty of this IQ test is higher than that of the Mensa test,The difficulty is lower than other general ultra-high intelligence tests (high-range intelligence tests). So, it would be good for your mental health to not trust the IQ scores shown here.We know that gifted or gifted people have above-average intellectual abilities, outstanding task aptitude, and high creativity, and such people may easily reach a perfect score on this test. Because there is no limit on the number of tests. If the answer you thought and the answer I intended are different, I think it would be interesting to find out which rule I used.For most people, I think it would be good if you dont stress about the problem and enjoy it as an intellectual game.This is a Mensa test type of shape reasoning IQ test.Although the difficulty of this IQ test is higher than that of the Mensa IQ test,The difficulty is lower than other general ultra-high range IQ tests. So, it would be good for your mental health to not trust the IQ scores shown here.I know that gifted or gifted people have above-average intellectual abilities, great task aptitude, and high creativity, and such people could easily reach a perfect score on this test. Because there is no limit on the number of tests. If the answer you thought and the answer I intended were different, I think it would be interesting to find out which rule I used.For most people, I think it would be good if you dont stress too much about the test and enjoy it as an intellectual game.